2.8 Release Notes

2.8 Release Notes

S-Action Configuration enhancements

Manual Sharing enhancements

Preview and Thumbnail Configuration enhancements

File Activity

API fix

S-Action Configuration enhancements


It’s now easier to configure who can see S-Actions. Checkboxes allow you to choose all internal users and/or all external users. Or you can individual users and filter by Profile to easily find them.

In previous releases, leaving the “selected users” list blank made the S-Action visible to all users. This is no longer the case. Please check your S-Action configurations under S-Drive Configuration Micro Services tab.

Manual Sharing enhancements

Manual sharing of files and folders (allowed when there is a lookup relationship from the file object to the parent, instead of Master-Detail) is now easier.

If you upload a file into a folder, or you create a subfolder, you can now choose to have the file or subfolder inherit the sharing of the parent folder.

If you share a folder, you can choose to have the sharing rule apply to all the subfolders and files inside that folder.

These features were already available for S-Drive tab, but are now also available for files on objects as well if there is a lookup relationship.

Preview and Thumbnail Configuration enhancements

Admins can now control how many pages of previews should be generated for each object and file type. You can set a maximum preview page count for the object and then have overriding page counts for different file types. For example, you can set the maximum page count to 20 for Accounts, but within Accounts you can set the maximum page count for pdf files to 10.

Setting maximum page counts can save you money on Preview conversion.

File Activity

File Activities will now log when a manual share rule is deleted.

API Upload fix

SDriveTools.InitializeUpload has been updated to work with Amazon AWS changes.

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