Automatic Folder Creation

Automatic Folder Creation

If you want to build an automatic folder creation process in S-Drive for any type of object you have when you insert a new record, please refer to this section. We will use Account and cg_AccountFile_c object for our example.

  1. For the object you have, create an Apex Trigger.

  2. If you want this folder creation to take place after you create a new record, the trigger should work with an "after insert" statement.

  3. In the Apex Trigger, paste the following lines:

    trigger AccountFoldersTrigger on Account (after insert) { List<cg__AccountFile__c> folders = new List<cg__AccountFile__c>(); for(Account c : Trigger.new{ cg__AccountFile__c folder = new cg__AccountFile__c(); folder.cg__WIP__c = false; folder.cg__Content_Type__c = 'Folder'; folder.cg__File_Size_in_Bytes__c = 0; folder.cg__File_Name__c = 'Test Folder 1'; folder.cg__Description__c = 'Some description for folder'; //use a description field if needed. folder.cg__Account__c = c.Id; folders.add(folder); cg__AccountFile__c folder2 = new cg__AccountFile__c(); folder2.cg__WIP__c = false; folder2.cg__Content_Type__c = 'Folder'; folder2.cg__File_Size_in_Bytes__c = 0; folder2.cg__File_Name__c = 'Test Folder 2'; //use name as appropriate folder2.cg__Description__c = 'Some description for folder'; //use a description field if needed. folder2.cg__Account__c = c.Id; folders.add(folder2); if(folders.size() > 0){ insert folders; } }
  4. Add up to your requirement the number of folders created.

  5. Change the Folder Names by changing the “File Name” section.
    For our example, the field is written as “cg__File_Name__c”.

  6. You can add descriptions to your folders by changing the “Description” field.
    For our example, the field is written as “cg__Description__c”.

  7. Make sure your Apex Trigger is active.

  8. Test by inserting a new test record and you can use these folders according to your needs