Files Resource

Files Resource




  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT


Method Details

  • GET

Request Query Parameters
fileObjectId: ids of the file you want to query

parentId : ids of the parent object of the requested file. If file object type is an S3 object members of this array can be null or invalid input but array lengths must still match.

timeValue : Expiration time of the links in seconds

requestParameters (Optional) : Any remaining parameters will be included as additional query parameters for the Amazon file link(e.g. ('response-content-disposition', 'inline; filename=myfile.png')).

For more information, visit the Amazon documentation:

Response Body Parameters
fileUrls : JSON array of requested file URLS.
Type: string[]

Status Codes 
200 - Object received
403 - Wrong input formatting
404 - False ids
422 - Wrong input semantics

  • POST
    Request Body Parameters
    objectId : Id of the parent object this file will be uploaded to
    Type: string
    multipartUpload : Do multipart Upload, used for big files(currently unavailable)
    Type : Boolean
    fileType : File Object the new files will be uploaded as.
    Type: string
    fileProperties : JSON array of file metadata of the uploaded files.
    Type: fileProperty[]
    policyMap : Key value pairs that represent the additional policy parameters used during upload
    Type: string[]
    Response Body Parameters
    uploadRequestInfo : JSON object that details how to upload a file to Amazon S3
    Type: uploadRequestInfo[]

    Status Codes 
    201 - Object properly created
    403 - Wrong input formatting
    404 - False objectId
    406 - Invalid input
    412 - Missing input fields
    422 - Wrong input semantics

    Use POST to initiate an upload. Creates File Object records on S-Drive. Follow it by uploading the files using the data in uplodRequestInfo to Amazon S3 then finish with the PUT method

  • PUT
    Request Body Parameters
    wipIds : JSON array of Salesforce ids that have completed their uploads to Amazon S3.
    Type: string[]

    Response Body Parameters
    resultObjects : JSON object that details the status of each file's upload request.
    Type: resultObject[]

    Status Codes 
    200 - Upload complete
    403 - Wrong input formatting
    404 - False wipIds
    422 - Wrong input semantics

    Done after the POST method and uploading files to the correct location in Amazon S3.

    Request Query Parameters
    objectId : Id of the parent object.
    wipId : Salesforce id of the object that will be deleted from S-Drive and Amazon S3.
    Response Body Parameters
    resultObjects : JSON object that details the status of each file's delete request.
    Type: ResultObject[]
    Status Codes 
    200 - Object deleted
    403 - Wrong input formatting
    404 - False objectIds
    422 - Wrong input semantics
    Deletes the File from Amazon S3 then removes the file record from Salesforce